Ein neues Projekt ist einen dxspider zu auf dem raspberry pi zu installieren, dies ist mit der Anleitung https://www.dl7vdx.com/dx-cluster-auf-raspberry/ in wenigen Stunden erledigt.

$ sudo apt-get install mc
- mc is a good navigational tool with editor

$ sudo apt-get install wget
- wget is a good tool for downloading files off the Web

$ sudo apt-get install git-core
- git is the tool to retrieve DXSpider and future updates

$ useradd -m sysop
- follow the instructions to set the full name and password
- if you are not prompted for a password enter the following and add a password:
$ sudo passwd sysop
$ sudo adduser sysop sudo

$ sudo hostname n6ws-pi
- any hostname will do

$ sudo apt-get install libtimedate-perl
$ sudo apt-get install libnet-telnet-perl
$ sudo apt-get install libcurses-perl
$ sudo apt-get install libdigest-sha1-perl
$ sudo apt-get install libdata-dumper-simple-perl
- Adds the necessary perl modules for DXSpider

$ sudo su
# cd ~sysop

# ln -s ~sysop/spider /spider
# groupadd spider
# cd /etc
# mc
- navigate to the file /etc/group and add sysop after the group spider
- exit mc
# shutdown -r now

Nachdem neustart als User "sysop" einloggen
$ su - sysop
$ cd ~
$ git clone git://scm.dxcluster.org/scm/spider spider.new
$ cp -a spider.new/.git /spider
$ rm -rf spider.new
$ cd /spider
$ git reset --hard

$ sudo su
# cd /home/sysop/
# chown -R sysop.spider spider
# find . -type d -exec chmod 2775 {} \;
# find . -type f -exec chmod 775 {} \;
# exit

$ cd /spider
$ mkdir local
$ mkdir local_cmd
$ cp perl/DXVars.pm.issue local/DXVars.pm
$ cd local
$ mc
- edit DXVars.pm following the instructions in the comments
- exit mc

$ cd /spider/perl/
$ ./create_sysop.pl

$ cd /tmp
$ wget http://ftp.w1nr.net/usdbraw.gz
- The next step can take a few minutes
$ /spider/perl/create_usdb.pl /tmp/usdbraw.gz

$ cd /spider/src
$ make

$ cd /spider/perl
$ ./cluster.pl

- on a separate ssh or system console, log into the system as sysop

$ /spider/perl/console.pl

- from the command line of the console enter:

- Edit /etc/inittab to add the following two lines at the end of the file.
##Start DXSpider on bootup and respawn it should it crash
DX:2345:respawn:/bin/su -c "/usr/bin/perl -w /spider/perl/cluster.pl" sysop >/dev/tty6

QUELLE: https://www.dl7vdx.com/dx-cluster-auf-raspberry/

Die grösste Arbeit ist getan, der dxspider startet.